My Jet-Lagged Re-entry

Returning to the United States after nearly six weeks in Mexico is like stepping back into a tornado of emotions, obligations, and the general chaos of life. At 62, I still embrace the adventure of travel with open arms and a well-worn passport. But this time, the journey back home feels a tad different.

After a long 14 hour day of travel, I shuffled off the plane, bleary-eyed and disoriented, clutching my trusty Personal item like a Health Bar. My body protested every step asking me "Can't we just go to sleep?"

I’m balancing aging “gracefully” while still trying to keep up with the wanderlust-fueled explorations of my younger self.

While navigating the maze of customs and baggage claim, I can't help but feel lucky to have a Known Traveler ID and a new 3 Year Temporary Mexican Residency card which makes the process much faster, and I also have a pang of guilt about being gone for so long. While I've been enjoying the magic of San Miguel, my grown children and dear friends have been dealing with their fair share of struggles back home. Job losses, health woes, and romantic break ups- all the things life likes to throw when you least expect it. It's as if the universe decided to host a pity party in my absence, and now I'm fashionably late to the festivities.

But I'm not quite ready to RSVP just yet. Call it denial or sheer stubbornness, but there's a part of me that yearns to compartmentalize my post-travel blues and dive headfirst into the comforting arms of Netflix and takeout. Who needs reality when you can binge-watch reality TV, am I right?

Yet deep down, I know that avoiding the inevitable won't make it disappear. So, armed with a hefty dose of caffeine and a questionable amount of determination, I muster up the courage to face the music. One step at a time, one problem at a time, and maybe, just maybe, I'll emerge victorious on the other side.

But first, a nap. Because let's be real, jet lag waits for no one, and this tired traveler needs all the rest she can get before tackling the chaos that awaits.

So here's to me, the weary wanderer who refuses to let life's hurdles dampen her spirit. Here's to the moments of laughter amidst the tears, the adventures that leave you breathless and the homecomings that remind you why you embarked on this journey in the first place.

And here's to the power of a good night's sleep, because sometimes, even the most intrepid explorers need to recharge their batteries before setting off on the next great adventure. Until then, dear jet lag, let's dance our tired dance once more and see where the road takes us next.


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