Lisa Kiely Fitness 

Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent

Private, Group, In Person, Zoom, Indoors and Outdoors

I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity including but not limited to cardiovascular, resistance training and flexibility with Lisa Kiely Fitness. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit my participation in this exercise program.

In consideration of my participation in Training, I, hereby release Lisa Kiely Fitness from any claims, demands and causes of action arising from my participation in the fitness program.

I fully understand that I may injure myself as a result of my participation in sessions with Lisa Kiely Fitness and I hereby release Lisa Kiely Fitness from any liability now or in the future including but not limited to heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness or injury however cause, occurring during or after my participation in the exercise program.

I understand that any exercise program carries with it some risk and acknowledge that risk. I have consulted with my Doctor and she/he agrees that this exercise program is appropriate for my current state of health. This waiver shall apply to today and to future training, Lisa Kiely Fitness.


  • TryFitness: A fun, efficient and effective 30 minute workout! 10 minutes of cardiovascular movement, 10 minutes of full body strengthening, and 10 minutes of lengthening. Suitable for all ages and abilities!

  • Barre Fitness: This fun cardio and toning focused class utilizes a bar, or chair for a variety of Ballet, Pilates, and Yoga movements. You may wear ballet shoes, socks, athletic shoes or go barefoot.

  • Barre Tone: A toning focused class that utilizes barre and various other equipment for strength, balance and flexibility training to bring body changing results.

  • Strong in 30 minutes: A full body workout for all major muscle groups using a resistance band. Class consists of squats, lunges, shoulder and chest presses, deadlifts, biceps, triceps and abs to strengthen, tone and define your entire body. You determine the level you’ll work at by choosing the appropriate band.  The 30 minute format is fun, quick and efficient.

  • Dance: This exhilarating cardio class uses easy-to-follow moves combining fast and slow rhythms (interval training) to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat.

  • Core Strength: This 20 minute class will give your core a quick and challenging workout.

  • Strengthen, Lengthen and Balance: Focuses on proper body alignment, technique, and posture based on the basic Joseph Pilates’ exercise method.

  • Power Tone: This class incorporates strength, balance and flexibility training using various equipment to bring body changing results.

  • Silver Revolution:  Have fun and move to music with a variety of exercises designed to improve balance, flexibility, muscular strength, range of motion for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.

  • Step it up: Strength and Balance intervals combined with step choreography keeps you moving and grooving.

  • Tabata Circuit: (30 minutes) A series of four minute exercise sequences broken into eight (20 seconds of intense work followed by 10 seconds of rest) intervals. Class will begin with a short warm up and end with a short cool down and stretch.

  • Tabata Circuit+Core: (45 minutes) Same as the description above, except the class will end with a challenging core work and a stretch.

  • Prenatal, Postpartum Recovery and Back to me: Master the principles of proper alignment, balance, lengthen and strengthen all major muscles- especially the core. Once mastered, you will improve your strength, prepare for a more comfortable pregnancy, smoother childbirth and quicker recovery.

  • 12 Step Fitness: A whole person wellness approach to address the disease of addiction. We use the 12 step recovery model from AA and pair it with the latest research in neuroscience, trauma healing and movement to help us realign with ourselves and our relationships.

  • Ultimate Circuit:  This class incorporates cardio and strength training segments, increasing the overall intensity of the class. Focuses on all major muscle groups to improve muscular tone, endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.

  • Chair FLOW: A unique style that adapts yoga positions and poses through creative use of a chair. The chair is used for support during standing poses, forward and backward bends, side extensions, balancing, and leg and arm stretches. Chair FLOW is suitable for all ages (13+), fitness levels and physical conditions.

  • Gentle FLOW: Slow down and reap the rewards of a gentle approach to lengthening and aligning your mind/body. This class incorporates props to support the body and customize the poses to suit each student’s individual needs. The class is suitable for students who are new to slow, meditative movements, students who have physical limitations or are recovering from injury, and students who want to have a less rigorous and more relaxing practice.

  • FLOW Foundations: Build a solid foundation in the basic poses. Classes are appropriate for those who are new as well as continuing students who are looking to refine their experience.

  • Functional Integrated Training (F.I.T): Prepare your body for daily activities. These exercises equip you for the most important type of physical fitness; the kind that preps you for real-life, daily living stuff like bending, twisting, lifting, loading, pushing, pulling, squatting and hauling. Strength, Cardio, Balance and Flexibility. Light weights, a ball, resistance band and mat are used for a full body workout in 30 minutes