Lisa Kiely

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One person can change the direction of your life forever!

Like the Talking Heads song goes… How did I get here?!

When I walk through the cobblestone streets of San Miguel de Allende, I am overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the person who first encouraged me to embark on this journey, and made it possible for me to discover the magic of this Magical Mexican town.

To my friend, and mentor—thank you. Thank you for seeing in me the desire for adventure and the hunger for exploration. Your encouragement guided me to this transformative journey, and I am forever grateful for you and your generosity.

San Miguel de Allende captivates my soul—with its beauty, culture, and acceptance that welcomes all who dare to “embrace its embrace.” From the warmth of the people to the art and architecture, every corner of this city has a story of resilience, creativity, and love.

It’s here that I have found an amazing community —it is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and dreams converging in perfect harmony. The spirit of inclusivity and celebration that permeates every aspect of life here inspires me daily.

It's not just the city itself that has captured my heart—it's the opportunities it has afforded me for personal and professional growth. I have been able to continue my professional practices here while also exploring new avenues for creativity and innovation.

The climate, nature, music, art—the possibilities here are infinite. But perhaps what I cherish most are the friendships I have formed and the connections I have forged along the way.

I have been welcomed with open arms, and encouraged to shine in my own way.

So thank you, for leading me to this oasis of joy and discovery. San Miguel de Allende has not only captured my imagination but has also transformed me in ways I never thought possible. I am a better, happier person because of this city, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Reach out to me at