"Adventures Abroad: Tackling Parasites with Grit and Garlic"

So, you know how I’m always up for exploring new places and trying exotic cuisines? Well, turns out, my globetrotting lifestyle might come with an unwanted souvenir – parasites! Yeah, I know, not the most glamorous topic, but, when you travel as much as I have the past few years, you learn a thing or two about the less glamorous side of travel.

About 4 or 5 weeks ago I got what I thought was food poisoning (it was AWFUL) and I believe that is when I contracted parasites. I’ve had GI issues ever since and am working to rid myself of the culprits.

here is what I’ve learned about dealing with Parasites: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Parasites are organisms that live on or inside another organism, known as the host (our body), and feed off its nutrients. It's not my favorite thing to think about but, parasites are more common than you might realize. Understanding how they are contracted, recognizing symptoms, obtaining a diagnosis, and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial for maintaining good health and ultimately, living your best life.

Contracting Parasites:

Parasites can enter the body through:

  1. Contaminated Food and Water: Consuming food or water contaminated with parasite eggs or larvae.

  2. Poor Hygiene Practices: Inadequate handwashing after using the restroom or handling contaminated materials.

  3. Contact with Infected Animals: Direct contact with pets or livestock carrying parasites.

  4. Traveling to Endemic Areas: Visiting regions with poor sanitation and hygiene standards increases the risk of exposure.


Symptoms of parasitic infections vary depending on the type of parasite and the affected organ system. Common signs include:

  1. Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea.

  2. Fatigue: Feeling excessively tired despite adequate rest.

  3. Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss or inability to gain weight.

  4. Skin Irritations: Itching, rashes, or sores, particularly around the anus.

  5. Anemia: Due to blood loss in the case of certain parasites like hookworms.

  6. Fever: Low-grade fever, especially with acute infections.


Diagnosing a parasitic infection typically involves:

  1. Stool Examination: Microscopic analysis of stool samples to detect parasite eggs or cysts.

  2. Blood Tests: To identify specific antibodies or antigens produced in response to parasitic infection.

  3. Imaging Tests: Such as ultrasound or CT scans to visualize organ damage caused by parasites.

  4. Endoscopy or Colonoscopy: Invasive procedures to directly observe the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment aims to eliminate the parasite and alleviate symptoms:

  1. Pharmaceuticals: Prescription medications like antiparasitic drugs are often prescribed. Examples include albendazole, mebendazole, and praziquantel.

  2. Natural Remedies: Certain herbs and supplements such as garlic, wormwood, and grapefruit seed extract are believed to have antiparasitic properties.

  3. Dietary Changes: Avoiding sugary foods and processed items that can promote parasite growth, and focusing on a diet rich in fiber and probiotics to support gut health.

Recovery Time:

The duration to feel completely better varies depending on factors such as the type of parasite, severity of infection, and individual health status. In many cases:

  1. Acute Infections: With prompt treatment, symptoms may improve within a few days to weeks.

  2. Chronic Infections: Long-term or recurring infections may require extended treatment and lifestyle changes, taking weeks to months for full recovery.

Here is the big picture:

Parasitic infections are absolutely a significant global health concern, and with awareness and timely intervention, they can be effectively managed. Maintaining good hygiene practices, being cautious while traveling (I love to eat street food), and seeking medical attention if symptoms arise are crucial steps in preventing and treating parasitic infections. Whether through pharmaceuticals or natural remedies, addressing parasites promptly can restore health and well-being.

Identifying parasites can be challenging. Sometimes, your body drops hints like experiencing mysterious rashes, unexplained weightloss, feeling more tired than usual or digestive disruptions.

If you suspect you've picked up some unwanted souveners, it's time to play detective. You can start by limiting your diet to cooked veggies, lots of garlic, ginger and turmeric. If this doesn’t work, it’s time for the stool samples and blood tests – oh, the glamorous life …

Once you've got your diagnosis – whether it's a case of tapeworms or a round of giardia – it's time to kick those freeloaders to the curb. You can go the pharmaceutical route, or you can channel your inner herbalist and try some natural remedies. I've begun to step up my garlic intake (especially when traveling).

Recovery time varies. Sure, some of us might bounce back in no time and others (like me at this moment) might find themselves in a bit of a marathon, battling parasites for weeks or even months. This is NOT what anyone wants to experience- trust me!

So, the next time you plan an escape, please add a new item to your checklist: "Watch out for parasites!"


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