"Neck Down, Spirits Up: A Self-Deprecating Guide to Aging (Dis?)gracefully"

My (southbound) neck is often on my mind. I find myself fantasizing about cosmetic surgery: my neck seems to have taken on a life of its own, defying gravity and telling stories about me that I'm not entirely sure I signed off on. I’m here bearing self-deprecating humor and a plea for understanding in the face of aging (dis?)gracefully.

I’m minding my own business, living my best life, and when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror there it is – the neck of no return, like a deflated balloon. Argh. Immediately my mood changes and I become obsessed with how it isn’t my vision of who I am.

I'm the first to admit that I may not fit society's idea of a 62-year-old woman. Sure, I've got the wrinkles and the white hair, but inside beats the heart of a teenager, college student, young mother, and serious advocate for positive aging – albeit one with a few more concerns, aches and pains.

But here's the thing: despite my neck's best efforts to paint a picture of impending retirement and afternoon naps, I'm determined to rewrite the narrative. Because let's face it, – this book should not be judged by its cover. Or, in my case, its neck.

So, how do we go about changing the way people view and perceive us as we age? Well, for starters, let's embrace the absurdity of it all. Let's laugh at the hilarity of aging gracefully – or, more accurately, stumbling through it with as much grace as a newborn giraffe.

Let’s embrace the quirks and eccentricities of aging, and wear them like a badge of honor. I know, it is easier said than done. But, WHY is that? Why isn’t aging embraced and beauty found in it?

Let's acknowledge that appearances can be deceiving and that there's more to a person than meets the eye – or the neck, as the case may be and let’s be examples of inner and outer beauty as we age.

So, to all the fellow necks out there feeling a little worse for wear, take heart: we may be sagging, but we are LIVING and loving and experiencing and learning. And with a willingness to embrace the absurdity of it all, we'll navigate this wild ride called aging with grace, dignity, and maybe even a few laughs along the way. And who knows, I may decide to have my neck altered. That’s ok too- right?


"Beyond Chronological Age: Unraveling the Truths of Wisdom and Self-Discovery"


Perspective and illusion play significant roles in shaping our understanding of the world and our experiences within it