Lisa Kiely

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"Lost in the Golden Years: A 62-Year-Old's Guide to Finding Direction Amidst Adventure, Savings, and Wellness"

Well, well, well, my fellow adventurers of the golden, silver and/or platinum years, let's address the burning question on everyone's minds: is it normal to feel like a lost sock in the dryer when you hit your 60s? Let me regale you with a tale from the front lines of my own solo travel escapades as a 62-year-old free-spirited, money-saving, wellness-focused maven with a penchant for adventure and two grown-up kids.

Picture this: I'm walking through the winding streets of San Miguel, a backpack strapped to my broad shoulders and a mischievous grin plastered on my face. The world is my playground, and I'm ready to dive headfirst into whatever adventure comes my way. But beneath the bravado lies a nagging feeling of untetheredness, like a helium balloon drifting aimlessly in the breeze.

Now, before you start sending sympathy cards and care packages, let me assure you – feeling lost in your 60s is as normal as accidentally packing mismatched socks in your luggage. It's like a rite of passage, a cosmic reminder that even the most seasoned travelers occasionally take a wrong turn on the road of life.

But fear not, for being lost is merely the universe's way of nudging us toward new horizons and unexpected discoveries. It's like a cosmic game of hide-and-seek, with enlightenment waiting just around the next bend – or, you know, behind that suspiciously delicious street food cart.

As a seasoned money-saving guru, I've learned to navigate the highs and lows of semi-retirement with the finesse of a seasoned coupon clipper. From scoring killer deals on flights to mastering the art of shopping in local tiendas, saving money could be my middle name.

But let's not forget about 2 of the most important people in my life – my grown children. Ah, yes, they are my “home”, and being with them brings me such deep joy. I wouldn't trade them for all the frequent flyer miles in the world and I don’t have to! They support my adventures and share in the adventures vicariously. This May, I hope that they will both join me for a couple of weeks each.

And then there's intentional wellness – because let's face it, nothing puts a damper on your adventures quite like a bout of traveler's tummy or a case of jet lag-induced insomnia. From packing my trusty stash of probiotics to indulging in daily sunrise fitness sessions, prioritizing self-care is the secret sauce to surviving the wild and wonderful world of solo travel in your 60s.

So, my fellow travelers, the next time you find yourself feeling a tad untethered in your 60s, just remember – you're not lost, you're simply taking the scenic route. Embrace the uncertainty, savor the adventure, and above all, don't forget to pack an extra pair of socks. Trust me, you'll thank me later. Safe travels, my friends! Reach out to me at